from TripGear

Teaching, Instructing, Providing Skills

Title I





Title I Schools:

Great day. It’s an honor to be able to communicate with you and your staff about our children.  As a doctoral student at Liberty University, former Marine, and one who grew up in the inner city, I have a visual blueprint of the intricacies of Title I learners.  Growing up in Gary, Indiana, I know how poverty, mental pollution, and poor parenting can impact the emotional and behavioral talents of young learners. Behavior 100 (B100) with its organic language arts curriculum provides slow readers and traditional learners compelling visual/graphic novels that are compelling enough to excite their enthusiasm to read.  B100 provides teachers with an assortment of behavioral and intra/interpersonal materials to assist students in academic excellence.  B100 incorporates rich imagery called IMICE combined with poetic stories which works in unison to captivate learners’ attention.  In the IMICE imagery learners see the wisdom of self-development set against a culturally relatable backdrop. This encourages learners to stretch their minds as they practice the skill of decoding and extracting meaning from accompanying text.  These devices sharpen the learner’s ability to communicate and collaborate cohesively with peers, parents, school professionals, and other peoples and authorities.

B100 seeks to have learners be real active participants in their own learning process and to be apt to apply their sharpened skills into other environments – educational or otherwise.  To that end B100 includes a plethora of sociocultural materials to assist both educators and students in developing dialogue, cultural collaboration, cooperative learning, and anger analysis.