from TripGear

Teaching, Instructing, Providing Skills

Elementary Schools

Elementary Schools


Elementary School Principal:

Great day, it’s an honor to be able to communicate with you and your staff about our children.  As a doctoral student at Liberty University, former Marine, and one who grew up in the inner city, I have a visual blueprint of some of the academic, social and behavioral hardships you may encounter among students.  The Behavior 100 (B100) language arts curriculum provides a highly visual approach to encouraging learners to read and write.  B100 employs rich stories and vivid imagery that captivates learners, excites their desire to learn, and sharpens their ability to comprehend and decode meaning from text.

The use of visual novels and narratives are integrated in many European countries’ language arts curriculums.  These graphic enhancers are used to assist students in decoding meanings within literature.  B100 engages learners with relatable poetic narratives and transfixes their attention with potent visuals that draw them deeper into the learning experience.  B100 enhances the interpersonal skills of the learner to effectively communicate with other peers, parents, school teachers, staff and other authorities.